The Clinic’s Projects

In view of the impressive number of people likely to be affected by Alzheimer’s, it is all the more urgent to find the causes of and a cure for the disease, and to offer the best diagnostic methods and care. For CEDRA to fulfil its mission as a referral center for diagnostic assessment of Alzheimer’s disease, donations will be earmarked for four components:

  1. Delivering medical services, including assessment, detection, diagnosis and treatment;
  2. Initiating research projects on assessment of cognitive disorders prevention and development of treatments;
  3. Providing support to individuals with cognitive disorders, and to the people around them;
  4. Providing patients and their families with training on the impact of the disease, and training health professionals in order to enhance the detection and treatment of these disorders.

MoCA Institut & Clinic will thus be a platform for clinicians and researchers, helping them better understand the disease and develop curative treatments.

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